Distance learning


III courses

academic discipline "Professional medical communication between a doctor and a patient"

Practical Classes

411a - https://meet.google.com/msr-daki-cne 

411b - http://meet.google.com/gim-yzbk-pvj  

412a -  http://meet.google.com/app-njxm-axk 

412b - http://meet.google.com/gim-yzbk-pvj

413a - http://meet.google.com/gim-yzbk-pvj 

IV courses
academic discipline "Psychiatry, narcology, medical psychology"

Dear students! We provide practical classes online. Classes start at 9.00 a.m. according to the schedule. 

According to the order of DSMU № 85-OD from 06.05.2021 practical classes will be in person at the department in accordance with the calendar-thematic plan. Lectures will be online via Google Meet

Links to lectures in Google Meet 

We use GoogleMeet to provide lectures online (no need to visit Department for lecture course). Lectures start at 9.00 a.m. according to the schedule.

411 group

Practical classes

Dear students! We use GoogleMeet to provide practical classes online. Classes start at 9.00 a.m. according to the schedule. 

411 group (since January 2th 2024)


We use GoogleMeet to provide lectures online (don't need to visit Department for lecture course). Lectures start at 9.00 a.m. according to the schedule.

461 group (26 October 2023)

461 group (31 October 2023)

Dear students! We use GoogleMeet to provide practical classes online. Classes start at 09.00 according to the schedule

461 group (since 27.10.23)

Responsible for distance learning with students is associate professor TI Shusterman tel. +380679766448